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*NEW* Technical Forum

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 8:11 am
by dpearson
Hi Gang

The General forum is getting a little cluttered with topics. Based on a suggestion from our chief scientest (Rob Farrow), I have created a "Technical" forum. Please use this forum for posting questions and answers about the various technical things about Alcan/Alwest/etc. boats. We will use the general section for non-technical topics and any topic that just doesn't seem to fit.


Re: *NEW* Technical Forum

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 11:48 am
by Rob
Hi All:

I don't know if the "Chief Scientist" tag fits . . . .
Maybe "Jack of all Trades" or something like that . . . .
In any case, there are enough technical discussions scattered throughout the general forum, that it makes sense to gather these all in one place. I expect that there will be many "one off" questions, but I hope that other discussions will be around the articles in our tech section. A case in point is Ellen's question about prop selection and how this ties back to the research documented in the tech section by David. I would encourage everyone to document the projects that they hove done. Take lots of pictures. If you would like assistance assembling your stuff into a tech article, I would be glad to help. Send me the pictures and an email description of your project. I will cut and paste it all together and send it back to you. When you like it, you can post it to the website.
